By Marc Carotenuto | July 30, 2024
📸: shot by Bryan Elias

Brijean Murphy has been mesmerizing crowds for years as the live percussive powerhouse behind Poolside, Toro y Moi, and Mistki. Doug Stuart is a fantastic talent of his own, with his jazz expertise clearly displayed on the bass, keys, & synth. While many groovers have witnessed Murphy’s oneness with percussion & performance, Brijean – Murphy & Stuart’s joint venture – serves as a wonderful tour de force of their own making.

The Music Hall of Williamsburg mid-July show was their second live show in NYC and their first time playing some songs from their stellar new album, Macro.

The show began with Murphy’s tantalizing percussion, as she weaved in oscillating, dreamy chimes and bells into their first track of the night. Queuing Stuart onto the synth and his impeccable bass playing, Murphy’s vocals elevated the room on “Counting Sheep.” “It’s only in my dreams, when I’m with you,” she sang, as the famed Williamsburg venue was lulled into a groovy dream.

“Hey Boy” from their 2021 album, Feelings, was next. The song showcased Murphy’s skill on the congas and the bongos continued directly into fan favorite, “Ooh La La.” Right on point with the emotions in the air, Murphy’s unique, soft, and smooth vocals carried out.

This was about as perfect of an intro to the set as we could’ve dreamt of. Stuart thanked everyone for being there and reminded us to “please . . . feel free to move!” The lack of significant movement in the crowd prior to that point in the show was a pure complement to Brijean as they lulled us in and out of dream states, grooves, and awe of both their respective talents and elegant synergy. Murphy also expressed her gratitude towards everyone in the room that night, and we were grateful for the unique experience that they shared with us.

The vibes flowed between more upbeat to more peaceful grooves with tracks like the hype “Bang Bang Boom,” and “Roller Coaster.” That balance is special, honed, and clarified. The sheer number of percussive instruments is something to behold and enjoy live, with maracas and even a cabasa being used throughout the night. Eventually, we wound down at the end of the set with the same chimes and bells that we started with. We’ll be dreaming about that show for many nights to come.

Most of the venues on their Macro tour are smaller than Music Hall of Williamsburg, so catching Brijean in any city on this tour is sure to be an intimate treat wherever you go.

Connect with Brijean on Instagram, Spotify, TikTok and their website.

📸: shot by Bryan Elias

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